Introduction: I want to share a personal story that revolves around my battle with low self-esteem, impostor syndrome, and an unexpected opportunity that transformed my life. It all started when I returned to work after undergoing major cancer surgery. With my self-confidence shaken and low energy levels, I faced a daunting challenge - heading up a three-year project, coordinating the Network of EU Agencies. I lacked the courage to decline, but deep down, I was overwhelmed by the immense work ahead.
Facing the Challenge Head-On: To navigate this unfamiliar territory, I knew I had to take proactive steps. The first was to address a tricky working relationship with a fellow manager who was assigned to work with me. I decided to meet her and establish clear communication about how we would collaborate. This initial step proved crucial in forming a strong foundation for the project.
Creating a Plan and Seeking Feedback: Next, I drafted a general plan outlining the work ahead. I understood the importance of consulting stakeholders to gather their insights and address any concerns. Regular project planning and reviews became the norm, with Monday meetings serving as a means to reassess and fine-tune our strategies. This created a sense of control and stability on this complex journey.
The Struggle with Impostor Syndrome: Every day, I faced tasks that stretched beyond my comfort zone and lacked prior experience. The familiar feelings of impostor syndrome crept in, making me question my abilities and wonder how I ended up in this pivotal role. However, amidst these doubts, I continually reminded myself that others had faith in my capability to deliver this significant project.
The Power of Collaboration and Support: Throughout the challenging times, maintaining a positive and open relationship with my colleague proved vital. We communicated openly, shared thoughts and concerns, and supported each other. Having a trusted ally made all the difference in navigating difficulties and finding the strength to persevere.
The Unexpected Rewards: As I continued to forge ahead, my perseverance paid off in ways I never anticipated. I was presented with exciting and new assignments, allowing me to meet an array of remarkable individuals and represent my employer at the highest levels. Serving as a liaison with the European Parliament, the European Commission, and numerous organizations gave me a sense of pride and purpose.
A Triumph for the Network: One of the greatest achievements was convincing the Network to agree on a multi-annual strategy, a feat many believed to be impossible. This milestone not only showcased the progress of the project but also reflected positively on my Director and the reputation of my Agency.
Personal Growth and Enrichment: Looking back on this transformative journey, I am filled with gratitude that I accepted this incredible challenge that pushed me far beyond my comfort zone. At every step, I continuously discovered new facets of my abilities while increasing my self-esteem. Amidst the challenges, I found moments of joy, laughter, and personal growth that enriched both my professional and personal life.
Conclusion: Throughout my struggle with low self-esteem and impostor syndrome, this project became a turning point in my life. It taught me the power of perseverance, the importance of open communication, and the value of stepping outside my comfort zone. By facing my fears head-on, I achieved things I never thought possible. Today, I encourage each one of you to embrace opportunities, challenge your doubts, and embark on exciting journeys of self-discovery. You never know what incredible experiences and personal growth await you on the other side.